Privacy and Data Protection

Introduction to Our Data Privacy Practices

At Cost Plus Drugs, we recognize the importance of privacy and are committed to protecting the personal information of our customers and website users. We understand that health-related information is particularly sensitive and demands the strictest confidentiality. This dedication to privacy is at the core of our operations, and we take our responsibility to safeguard your data seriously. In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we aim to maintain transparency in our data handling practices and uphold your rights to data privacy.

Personal Data Collection and Usage

We collect personal data that is essential to provide you with a seamless experience when using our services, which includes browsing our website, subscribing to our newsletter, purchasing medications, or obtaining pharmaceutical guidance. This personal data includes but is not limited to your name, address, email, and transaction details. We use this data to fulfill our service obligations, improve our website's functionality, and deliver relevant content that matches your interests and needs. It is our fundamental policy to never sell or rent your personal information to third parties without your explicit consent.

Your Rights Under GDPR

You, as a user of our website and services, are endowed with specific rights under the GDPR. These rights include accessing your personal data, correcting inaccuracies, objecting to or restricting data processing, and, in some instances, requesting the deletion of your data. We are committed to empowering you to exercise these rights and will facilitate any requests in accordance with GDPR requirements. Should you wish to make any such request, please feel free to contact our Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

Data Security Measures

To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have implemented appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard the information we collect online. These measures are in place to protect your data from loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction. We continually review and update our security protocols to keep up with technological advancements and legal requirements.

Contact Information of the Data Controller

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our data protection practices, please contact our Data Controller:

  • Name: Dorian Slatterford
  • Address: 17 McKinlay Avenue, Mitcham SA 5062, Australia
  • Email: [email protected]

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